Cherry Blossoms

One of my favorite times of the year for portraits of all kinds, are when the Cherry Blossom trees are in bloom.

While we are all doing our best to put life on hold, spring has showed up in full force, with flowers and trees blooming almost a month early! New Jersey hasn’t had a real spring in years it seems. We went from snow to 90 degree weather over night. But this year spring is here, in all her glory.

Imagine walking outside on one of those bitter, windy, bone chilling, winter days… It is so hard to imagine that the earth will ever thaw, or that you could ever walk outside in just a t-shirt and not freeze to death. But then somehow, spring arrives, and you can smell the ground again. This to me is one of lives greatest pleasures. And those pretty little flowers are proof that we made it, and warm summer bliss is ahead of us!


There is something otherworldly about cherry blossom trees when they are in bloom.

And what makes them so special, is they are only in bloom for a very short time. Before you know it, those pretty pink petals are floating down to the grown, and new green leaves emerge.

This too shall pass my friends!