Small Green Steps

A few years back I took the first steps in actually doing something about the amount of trash I create. This year I made it a personal goal to go farther.

You might notice that trees, leaves, and natural light are common themes, as you scroll though my website.

So it only makes sense that I do my part to take care of this beautiful green planet.

Below are some of the things I am doing to cut back on plastic and live a little more sustainably. I have a long long way to go, and welcome you to share your tips and tricks with me!

Be Prepared While on the Go

  • I always keep a set of bamboo cutlery in my bag, now I never need to use plastic when I am out on the go. I am a HUGE fan of Wahi Hawaii, because their products are affordable, and make it really easy to go without single use convenient plastics. (Muse Coffee Co. proudly sells their beautiful bamboo straws.)

  • When ordering takeout, (and I am still getting the hang of this one) remember to say no extra sauce packets or cutlery. Sometimes they toss in handfuls of ketchup or soy sauce, 10x more then anyone would use, and most of the time it goes right in the trash!

  • I love my Fellow Carter Everywhere Mug! It seals shut so you can toss it in your gym bag, diaper bag, fancy bag… and not worry about spills. PLUS, it will keep your drink hot or cold for a really long time! So if you forgot about your cold brew until 10 hours later, not to worry, your ice will still be ice!

My Tips for Bringing Your Own Bags

  • This one is pretty obvious, but can take practice to remember to bring them. In the beginning I would always forget my bags at home/in my trunk. So keep them in your car, in your passenger seat, where you will see them.

  • I prefer canvas bags that you can carry over your shoulder. They are great for lugging heavy things! You can load them up, and fit larger items like a watermelon. Because they are over the shoulder, you have two free hands to deal with your child, car keys, and coffee. :)

  • If you are only picking up a few things… Just carry the stuff!!! I always say “No thanks”, when they place one bottle of kombucha in a plastic bag. Come on people!

Tiny Steps (They might not seem like much, but it’s a mindset!)

  • Loose leaf tea, instead of tea bags.

  • Bar soap, instead of soap in plastic bottles.

  • Never buy trash bags, use all the paper and plastic bags that you find lying around.

  • Buy Used/ Donate. Also, just try to buy less! Less is always more in my book! :)

  • Buy in bulk and share with friends and family. (Also still working on this!)

  • Buy milk in reusable glass bottles, that you can return for $2 each! The milk tastes better too!

  • Wooden toys, instead of plastic.

  • Shop for whole ingredients/produce, to avoid having to buy so much packaging.

  • Make your own cleaners and room sprays. For amazing tips and recipes check out Brown Thumb Mama.

  • Bees wax wrap and reusable bags/glass containers, instead of plastic wrap and ziplock baggies.

  • Use water from your rice, instead of expensive hair products! (Check out the Blog!)

What I am Working Towards

  • There are some great new products out there, like bar shampoos and toothpaste tablets that are zero waste! But, so far I have not tried them, because the brands out there are cost prohibitive. But I am keeping an eye out!

  • Buy ALL of my meat and eggs directly from a local farmer!

  • Grow more of my own food… We live in an apartment, and there is only so much I can grow on my fire escape! :) (Don’t worry, its totally up to code.)

Let me know what ideas you would like to try, and PLEASE share your tips with me!!